Nancy's Photo Collection

Photos from the Younce Archive

Pictures are from Nancy's collection.

The picture to the right  was taken about 1936

Theodore R. Younce and Edna Ledford Younce 

Such a cute couple!

Out to Dinner with an Ohio River View

Rich and Nancy-2004

November 1st - The Hand

Nancy and Rich at Pat's Wedding - Picture taken by Michael Mullins

Father and Son

Grandson Robert having fun in their home with his Daddy.

Granddaughter Sarah at the Cabin

Granddaughter Sarah - Isn't she sweet!

Wow - The Hat is really cute!

Daughter Barb being her beautiful self

Susan and Barb Growing Up

1977 through 1980's collage of  Susan and Barb together

Daughter Susan and her Sweetie Chris

Granddaughter Elizabeth

Susan and Robert

Susan Volmer and sleeping son Robby - 1999

Granddaughter Elizabeth - 2005


Richard Volmer 1998

Granddaughter Rachel

Rachel celebrating her 1st birthday

The Volmer Family at the Family Reunion 1999

Nancy - Chris - Susan - Richard - Barbara

Thanksgiving 2005 - Cousins

Sarah Griffin and Celia McKinney together for the Thanksgiving Holiday, Celia is sharing a gift she received with cousin Sarah - Aren't they sweet!